Introducing DJ Mode

Rolling out an all-new listening experience requires a bit of education – and a whole lot of hype.

To introduce DJ Mode to customers, I developed key messaging emphasizing the “why”: Hear songs, stories, and more, directly from the artists you love. Simultaneously, I worked on creative assets to promote our first artist-hosted DJ Mode station – The Billie Eilish Takeover – and with it, a station-naming strategy that would work for Billie and all future collaborators.

More than 72,500 fans tuned into DJ Mode on day one, clocking over 15,000 listening hours. Since then, Amazon Music has added hundreds of genre- and artist-based stations, available exclusively to premium subscribers.

The strategy: DJ Mode station naming

“The [ARTIST] Takeover” convention is specifically reserved for DJ Mode stations hosted by an artist or band, where they share their own stories behind the music and curate the song list.

Genre-based DJ Mode stations – like Merry Mix, seen in the example below – include stories and snippets from various artists, and are curated by the Amazon Music programming team.

Visual design: Ellie Moore, Drew Ng-How-Tseung // Brand team: Teran Evans, Tiffany Spatafore, Trevor Kaiser